People Behind The Projects: Dr Kit Chapman

University lecturer and KEVRI member Kit Chapman tells us about his upcoming collaborations and innovative projects.

People Behind The Projects: Dr Kit Chapman
Meet globetrotting science historian, author and lecturer Kit Chapman!

The KEVRI People Behind The Projects (PBTP) series spotlights the people behind innovative and collaborative projects across industry, community and academia

Meet Kit

Dr Kit Chapman is an award-winning science journalist and academic at Falmouth University. Formerly an editor for Chemistry World, Kit’s by-line can be seen in Nature, New Scientist, The Daily Telegraph, BBC Science Focus and more.

Kit has seen the world’s rarest element, been inside the world’s fastest supercomputer and seen the world’s most powerful magnet.

He appears regularly on radio, TV and podcasts, and has given talks to thousands of students around the world on science, writing and history.

Kit stands out as a top collaborator for KEVRI, having contributed to 28+ projects on our platform, we are eager to discover more about his ongoing industry interactions and innovations...

Kit's Top Projects

Scientists as Superheroes

Kit's STEM Heroes project asks scientists around the world to imagine themselves as a superhero. Their vision is then drawn as a free colouring sheet for children.

They include multiple ethnicities, gender identities and body types. Members of the LGBTQ+ and disabled communities are represented, as well as scientists with mental health disorders. Access it here.

You can download as many sheets as you wish for free. Source: STEM Heroes/ Kit Chapman

Disney Periodic Table

Kit was always frustrated that alternative ‘periodic tables’ were really just collections of stuff: they didn’t follow any patterns and often didn’t make much sense. But he was convinced you could relate the periodic table’s structure to almost anything.

Kit chose Disney characters. All groups follow periodicity, and each character chosen relates to a property of that element. Access it here.

Birthday Lecture for the Royal Institution

Kit has spoken to thousands around the world as a science communicator and is able to adapt his talks for all audiences, from the general public at science festivals to delivering the 223rd Birthday Lecture for the Royal Institution in London.

“...which is huge for a science communicator and journalist. It’s the place where Carl Sagan has lectured, and it started out with Humphry Davy, so to be able to give the birthday lecture for its 223rd birthday was the highlight of my career so far!” 

The Passion Behind Kit's Projects

Kit in action at an outreach event in London! Source: Dr Kit Chapman

What fuels the creative energy of Kit's Formula 1 and physics projects?


''I love knowing new things and finding out random facts. Curiosity drives the best stories and the best adventures. I'm always trying to find out something new and something different.''

From selling tens of thousands of PDFs every year to authoring best-selling book Superheavy, it's clear to see Kit's curiosity leads to plenty of industry opportunities.

''The only way you can learn is by doing. I'm also constantly looking to do more outreach, whenever I can go out and talk to schools and universities.''

Kit's Current Projects

➩ Chemistry Books for Children with the Royal Society of Chemistry
➩ Lecture Series on Formula 1 Technology with the Institute of Physics

Kit is also looking at the history of women in science and experimenting with renaissance spell books from the 16th century.

''I'm also interested in interactivity when it comes to storytelling since publishing my first ever interactive computer game in November. I wanted to help people to start looking at different angles of stories, and work on the gamification of news so you don't realise you're learning.''

Collaborate with Kit

Feel free to reach out to Kit if you would like to find out more about his projects or if you feel there is potential for future collaborations!

He is currently looking for collaborators in creating immersive and interactive experiences, particularly with regard to science, climate change and sustainability.

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